Life Sketch of Tulsidas: Who Was Tulsidas?

Life Sketch of Tulsidas: Who Was Tulsidas?

May 20, 2024


Tulsidas, also known as Goswami Tulsidas, was a prominent Hindu poet-saint, philosopher, and reformer who lived during the 16th century in India. He is best known for his epic work, the Ramcharitmanas, which is a retelling of the ancient Hindu scripture, the Ramayana, in the Awadhi dialect.

Early Life and Background

Tulsidas was born in 1532 or 1533 in a small village called Rajapur in present-day Uttar Pradesh, India. He was born to Hulsi and Atmaram Dubey, who were devout Brahmins. Tulsidas was originally named Rambola, but he later became known as Tulsidas, which means the “servant of Tulsi,” in honor of the Hindu deity, Lord Hanuman.

Spiritual Awakening

Tulsidas had a profound spiritual awakening during his early years. He showed a keen interest in spirituality and devotion from a young age. His devotion to Lord Rama, an incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu, was unparalleled. He spent much of his time in prayer, meditation, and pilgrimages to sacred sites.

Marriage and Family Life

Tulsidas was married to Ratnavali, who was a virtuous and dedicated wife. However, their marriage was not without challenges. Due to family conflicts and societal pressures, Ratnavali’s in-laws did not approve of Tulsidas’ devotion to Lord Rama. This led to misunderstandings and eventually led to Tulsidas leaving his home in search of a deeper spiritual connection.

Literary Contributions

Tulsidas is best known for his magnum opus, the Ramcharitmanas. This epic poem consists of seven books and is considered one of the greatest works of Hindi literature. The Ramcharitmanas retells the story of Lord Rama’s life, his exile, and his eventual return to Ayodhya after defeating the demon king Ravana.

Philosophical Teachings

Tulsidas’ teachings emphasize the importance of devotion (bhakti) and surrender to the divine. He believed that through love and devotion to God, one could attain spiritual liberation and transcend the cycle of birth and death. His writings are filled with moral lessons, ethical values, and spiritual wisdom that continue to inspire people to this day.

Legacy and Influence

Tulsidas’ legacy continues to endure through his literary works, teachings, and philosophies. His devotion to Lord Rama and his profound understanding of Hindu scriptures have earned him a revered place in Indian culture and religious traditions. Tulsidas is considered a saint and sage whose teachings continue to guide spiritual seekers on the path of devotion and enlightenment.


Tulsidas was not just a poet and philosopher, but also a mystic and saint whose life and works have had a profound impact on Indian society and spirituality. His devotion to Lord Rama, his literary genius, and his philosophical teachings continue to inspire millions of people around the world. Tulsidas remains a shining example of faith, devotion, and love for the divine, reminding us of the eternal truths that transcend time and space.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Who was Tulsidas?
Tulsidas was a 16th-century Hindu poet-saint, philosopher, and reformer known for his epic work, the Ramcharitmanas.

2. What is the Ramcharitmanas?
The Ramcharitmanas is an epic poem written by Tulsidas that retells the story of Lord Rama’s life and teachings in the Awadhi dialect.

3. What were Tulsidas’ main philosophical teachings?
Tulsidas emphasized the importance of devotion (bhakti) and surrender to God as the path to spiritual liberation and enlightenment.

4. How did Tulsidas contribute to Indian literature?
Tulsidas’s literary works, particularly the Ramcharitmanas, are considered some of the greatest contributions to Hindi literature and Indian literary tradition.

5. What is Tulsidas’ legacy and influence on Indian society?
Tulsidas’ teachings, devotion to Lord Rama, and moral values continue to inspire people and guide them on the path of spirituality and enlightenment.

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